about #JohnHejduck #mathematics #geometry #architecture

In the Diamond project he articulates his idea of the architect's plan as perpendicular to the observer's frontality. This makes the opposite positions between the architect and the imaginary observer equivalent, which, building on Mondrian's ideas, maximises the strength of the contrary oppositions. Hejduk's axes are no longer ordinary axes, not really comparable witb the axis of x,y and z of conventional descriptive geometry. As we turn around, the line becomes a plane. The plane becomes imagined as a wall, a wall corresponding to the bodily movement. It's the moment of passage. The outline is also a membrane, Hejduk's says, and as the relatioosbip between our present and future, the relationship between the architect and the observer, the moment of passage through the wall is a "moment of the hypotenuse", of moving from one condition to another, through an edge between two elements. The concept of the "hypotenuse" is like a cut between the equivalence, as an opening and a movement, moving across two apparently fixed conditions. Hejduk's moment of the hypotenuse, when you become physically inside, is the moment of thought appearing, memory, seeing and moving. It resembles the experience of reading a book; all of a sudden you are in it, on the inside, and it bas become a part of you. But tbere is a difference, Hejduk remarks: there is something special about the physical encounter.
Architecture of the ineffable: on the work of John Hejduk by
Einar Bjarki Malmquist
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