by @ulaulaman about #astronomy #mathematics #NeuralNetwork #Saturn
I published this post some years ago (
archived version), but for unilateral decision of the online publisher, it is deleted, so I decide to recover it.
Neural network is one of the most powered method to analize data. It can be use in most research subject, for example in astronomy: in this case, we can use NNs to examine astronomical images or also the red shift effect. For example, in 2003
Jorge Núñez (Universitad de Barcelona) and
Jorge Llacer (EC Engineering Consultants LLC) published a paper
(1) in which they describe the develop of an algorithm to study
astronomical image segmentation that uses a self-organizing neural network as basis. In their work, the scientists examine the separation between some stars and also a Saturn's image: the alghoritm seems quite robust against noise and fragmentation.
In the same year, a group of italian astronomers published a review of the models used in astronomy and examined some data used by
AstroNeural collaboration. Finally in 2004 a collaboration between researchers in Italy, Germany and France perform an application of NNs to redshift calculations
Now you can quest:
What is a neural network?