I had been thinking about moving
Doc Madhattan to another platform for a long time. Then, after the publication of the
post dedicated to my latest scientific papers, I realized, by sharing it, that the security certificate was obsolete, so much so as to make the post unreachable for new readers. So I started thinking about moving the blog to a new blogging platform.
After a long search I stumbled upon
Hashnode, which also allows you to receive posts directly in your email inbox by
subscribing to the newsletter, a very useful tool.
I then moved the archive of posts to the
new blog by first exporting and then converting them to markdown using
this converter. The transition was not error-free and I had to manually insert a couple of posts, while
this one is completely absent because the video inside, after more than ten years, is no longer available.
At the end of the transfer, I discovered that some comments and discussions under the posts were promoted to real posts on
Hashnode. I deleted the ones I found, as well as the drafts that had become public when the backup was uploaded.
The mathematical equations, on the other hand, seem to have been interpreted correctly, apart from a few things that I hope to fix as I discover them, but with an archive of over 400 posts, your help could be useful, so
feel free to point out things that are wrong in the comments of this new introductory post.
I will not stop using the blog on
Fields of Science, however: in this case I will publish an excerpt of the post with a link to the full article on
Hashnode: I do not want to forget the readers who continue to follow that platform, even if I invite them and all new readers to update their rss readers, blogrolls and
subscribe to the newsletter!
Doc Madhattan is back and I hope to be able to publish a little more regularly than in previous years here on