For symmetry transformation, we intend a space transformation that preserved the characteristics of a given physical system. Asymmetry transformation implies also a change of reference system.

In particular, Wigner was interested in determining the properties of transformations that preserve the transition’s probability between two different quantum states. Given $\phi$ the wave function detected by the first observer, and $\bar {\phi}$ the wave function detected by the second observer, Wigner assumed that the equality \[|\langle \psi | \phi \rangle| = |\langle \bar \psi | \bar \phi \rangle|\] must be valid for all $\psi$ and $\phi$.
In the end, if we exclude time inversions, we find that the operator $\operatorname{O}_{R}$, such that $\bar{\phi} = \operatorname{O} _{R} \phi$, must be unitary and linear, but also anti-unitary and anti-linear. Consequence of this fact is that the two observers’ descriptions are equivalent. So the first observes $\phi$, the second $\bar{\phi}$, while the operator $\operatorname{H}$ for the first will be $\operatorname{O}_R \operatorname{H} \operatorname{O}_R^{-1}$ for the second.