In three space dimensions and time, given an initial velocity field, there exists a vector velocity and a scalar pressure field, which are both smooth and globally defined, that solve the Navier–Stokes equations.
In three space dimensions and time, given an initial velocity field, there exists a vector velocity and a scalar pressure field, which are both smooth and globally defined, that solve the Navier–Stokes equations.
When water freezes, the molecules take a definite position in their relations one to another. Snow flakes are made up of molecules in similar manner, always hexagonal, but like most creation of nature, there are seldom two alike.
It is the purpose of this note to describe an experiment in which nuclear magnetic moment is measured very directly. The method is capable of very high precision and extension to a large number and variety of nuclei.A beam of particles, in the case of the first experiment they used molecules of LiCl, passed through a group of magnets, so that the nuclear spins is decoupled from each other and from the molecular rotation. At this point an additional magnetic field, this time slightly oscillating, is applied such that the spin and the nuclear magnetic moment are redirected, obtaining at the end a sort of frequency's precession(3).
Probably unknown to Lewis and almost all contemporary physicists, the word "photon" can be found in the scientific literature as early as 1916. It was coined by the American physicist and psychologist Leonard Thompson Troland, who used it as a unit for the illumination of the retina. Although little known today, and if known at all then for his work in experimental psychology, at the time he was considered one of America's most promising scientists. When he died tragically and prematurely in 1932 by a fall from the summit of Mount Wilson in California, his death was mourned in obituaries in Science (vol. 76, pp. 26-27) and American Journal of Psychology (vol. 44, pp. 817-820).Troland introduced the "photon" in 1916 in the article On the measurement of visual stimulation intensities
(...) as a unit for physiological stimulus intensity, defining it as follows [Troland 1917, p. 32]:It seems that also Joly used, in 1921, the name "photon" before Lewis, but the story of Mr. Troland it seems really interesting, and you can read his whole story on Photon: New light on an old name by Helge Kragh.A photon is that intensity of illumination upon the retina of the eye which accompanies the direct fixation, with adequate accommodation, of a stimulus of small area, the photometric brightness of which ... is one candle per square meter, when the area of the externally effective pupil ... is one square millimeter. The physiological intensity of a visual stimulus is its intensity expressed in photons. The photon is a unit of illumination, and hence has an absolute value in meter-candles. The numerical value of the photon, in meter candles, ... will obviously be subject to some variation from individual to individual.Troland first suggested the photon in a presentation given to the tenth annual meeting of the Illuminating Engineering Society in Philadelphia 18-20 September 1916. "I have," he said, "found it very convenient to express all intensity measures in terms of a unit retinal illumination which I have called the photon"(3). In the discussion following his talk, he mentioned as an advantage of the new unit that "the photon unit does not require so much mathematics, and I have been interested primarily in helping the psychologists, many of whom are studying vision somewhat at random."
Our results demonstrate that a simple model implementing counteracting processes acting on different length-scales can indeed recreate branching patterns similar to those of swarming colonies. The kernel-based phenomenological model presented here draws from ecological theory, which has long recognized the relevance of distance-dependent processes as drivers for spatial patterning (Levin 1992). Many concepts from patterning in ecology are intimately related with the chemical basis of morphogenesis first proposed by Turing (1952), who first explained that counteracting positive and negative chemical processes acting on different length-scales can lead to symmetry-breaking that triggers biological patterning (Morelli et al 2012). The model presented here is inspired by Turing's findings but uses the spatial kernel approach of recent population ecology models (e.g. Rietkerk et al 2004, Lindstrom et al 2011) rather than reaction–diffusion processes.
Mentalist and magician Ormond McGill is well known for his books on hypnosis and mentalism. He was featured on the cover of the February 1989 Linking Ring. Among magicians however, it is not so known that he has traveled extensively in some of the most exotic parts of the world investigating psychic, mystical, and religious phenomena. His writings display a highly positive evaluation of some of his encounters.from Magicians Who Endorsed Psychic Phenomena by George P. Hansen