A general line element and a general metric tensor are defined as functions of two parameters $\alpha$ and $\alpha'$. The related Einstein's field equations of a gravitational potential field in a vacuum, including parameter $\Lambda$, have been derived. The parameters $\alpha$ and $\alpha'$ are identified in a gravitational field by the solution of the Einstein's field equations. Parallel with this, it has been find out that the so‐called cosmological constant $\Lambda$, is not really constant, but a function of gravitational radius, $\Lambda = f(r)$. This discovery is very important, among the others, for cosmology. One of the consequences is the new form of the acceleration equation of the universe motion that can be attractive (negative) or repulsive (positive). According to the observations, the repulsive acceleration gives rise to accelerating expansion of the universe at the present time. The obtained solution of the diagonal line element can be applied in a very strong gravitational field. Besides, this solution gives the Ricci scalar equal to zero, $R=0$. This is in an agreement with the current observation that our universe is flat.
from Novakovic B.M., Novakovic D.B. & Novakovic A.B. (2004). The Cosmological Constant $\Lambda$ is not Really Constant but the Function of a Gravitational Radius, AIP Conference Proceedings, 718 133. DOI: 10.1063/1.1787318