
Where planets born

T Tauri stars are a class of variable stars that are less than about ten million years old. This class is named after the prototype, T Tauri, a young star in the Taurus star-forming region discovered in October 1852 by John Russell Hind. They are found near molecular clouds and identified by their optical variability and strong chromospheric lines. T Tauri stars are pre-main-sequence. In photo you can see 21 T Tauri stars with their protoplanetary disks, rotating circumstellar disks of dense gas and dust. This is probably the beginning of a solar system formation.
Garufi, A., Avenhaus, H., PĂ©rez, S., Quanz, S. P., van Holstein, R. G., Bertrang, G. M., ... & Zurlo, A. (2020). Disks Around T Tauri Stars with SPHERE (DARTTS-S)-II. Twenty-one new polarimetric images of young stellar disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 633, A82. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936946

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