
The map of mathematics

The field of mathematics is massive, but a lot of people stop dealing with more complex maths after leaving university. Or, if you're not involved in an occupational field that needs mathematics, you might stop taking mathematics courses toward the end of high school. However, math is much bigger than most people realize. This creative map of mathematics made by Domain of Science puts the entirety of the field onto a single map.
The video traces the origins of math back to counting, which the video points out is not an exclusively human activity. It then quickly mentions how early civilizations tapped into counting and transformed it, most notably Arab scholars who created the first books on algebra. From there, mathematics and the sciences exploded during the Renaissance period.
After that point, the video starts to take off and diverge into a variety of mathematics we've come to know today. Maths diverged into two categories: pure maths and applied maths. Pure maths consists of the studies of numbers systems, structures (like algebra and group theory), spaces (goemetry and trigonometry) and more. Applied mathematics then taps into the application of pure maths. It includes the calculations that help determine how life functions, like mathematical chemistry or biomathematics. It also includes daily usage of math in economics, game theory, and statistics. By the end of the 11 minute video, viewers are left in awe (or simply overwhelmed) by all the possibilities that fall under the umbrella of "maths."
There were some mistakes made in the video that have since been corrected in the video's description. One of the biggest is that the video mistakenly mentions 1 as a prime number. However, prime numbers by definition are numbers bigger than 1 that can be divided evenly only by 1 or itself. The number must be greater than 1.

When I wrote the post, the source,, was offline. So I recover the complete text using the cache.

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