
Abstract: The Universe at Lattice-Fields

Guido, G. and Filippelli, G. (2017) The Universe at Lattice-Fields. Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 3, 828-860. doi:10.4236/jhepgc.2017.34060.
We formulate the idea of a Universe crossing different evolving phases $U_k^*$ where in each phase one can define a basic field at lattice structure $U_k$ increasing in mass (Universe-lattice). The mass creation in $U_k$ has a double consequence for the equivalence "mass-space": Increasing gravity (with varying metric) and increasing space (expansion). We demonstrate that each phase is at variable metric beginning by open metric and to follow a flat metric and after closed. Then we define the lattice-field of intersection between two lattice fields of base into universe and we analyse the universe in the Nucleo-synthesis phase and in the that of recombination. We show that the phase is built on the intersection of the lattices of the proton and electron. We show $U_H$ [the intersection between proton's anch electron's lattices] to be at variable metric (open in the past, flat in the present and closed in the future). Then, we explain some fundamental aspects of this universe $U_H$: Hubble's law by creating the mass-space in it, its age (13.82 million of Years) as time for reaching the flat metric phase and the value of critic density. In last we talk about dark universe lattice, having hadronic nature, and calculating its spatial step and its density in present phase of [the universe].
For some personal problems, I cannot add the LaTeX figures, so I uploaded them on researchgate.

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