
Maurice Sendak and the atomics for the millions

Attention: the post was updated after the first publication.
Atomics for the millions by Maxwell Leigh Edinoff and Hyman Ruchlis was the first book illustrated by Maurice Sendak.
In this post I propose you some illustration from the book that I found on the blog Collection children's books:

I choise some illustrations from the post. In particular, after the Einstein's portrait, the following two: in the first we can see the dance of the atoms: they bound with others in order to compose molecules. In the second there is a brief pictoric description of the radiation (left) and of the core of a nuclear power:

But the last, I think represents the story of the mankind, and, in this way, the only choice for our destiny seems logic. Or not?
Thanks to Peppe Liberti

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting these wonderful illustrations, Gianluigi. These (and the rest in this book) were Sendak's first published work. And there's a back-story to them: Sendak was "not a good student"; he didn't like school and did poorly in his classes. One day, his teacher, Mr. Ruchlis, said to him, "Sendak, you will pass my course AND I'll give you $100 IF you do the illustrations for my book." Sendak later said he would have done it just to pass the course! But the $100 represented his first "commission," the first time he was paid for his talent -- even before he did illustrations for comic books and childrens books. So these you've posted here are rare early examples of a great artist's great talent.


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