
Matching pennies in Turing's brithday

Today is Alan Turing's birthday. Turing was the mathematician who breaked Enigma code during the Second World War and he posed the basis for modern computers. In a rare coincidence I play today matching pennies, a game of simulation of a launch of a penny against computer. Indeed player must choice head or tail and confrount his choice with computer. In the first page there is the following suggestion:
The best strategy to win the game is to be as random ad possible.
When you conclude all three levels, you can read the project details. We can read:
It is common knowledge that human subjects have difficulty in generating random sequences. This hypothesis has been studied in detail for some time by psychologists and mathematicians. This project takes that theory further by studying it from a game theoretical point of view and supposes that humans are less able to randomise under increasing pressure than under normal circumstances.
Matching pennies is an ideal game for this study because there is no pure strategy in the game that gives one player an advantage over the other.
I play the game. In the first level I'm losing when I'm trying to apply the suggested strategy, but I win (also the two next levels) when I apply the following simple strategy: change my choice when computer wins!
I don't know if my strategy is casual or it is the best to simulate a casual strategy, but this is the results. And you?

Thanks to Marco Gaudenzi for sharing the game.

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